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How to Use a Drill

We're going to review how to properly use a drill.


So most repairs on anything you might need to use your drill. I'm going to need my drill bit to open any holes or re drill any holes, I'm going to need to place my battery into the drill, and I'm gonna have to replace my drill bit on the end here.

First, I'm going to place my battery, make sure that's nice and tight and secured. And then with my drill in neutral, meaning I won't be going forward or back, I'm going to remove my bit. I have my drill bit in hand, I'm gonna replace the driver here, putting it back into its lock there, and then I'm going to put my drill bit on the end may sit nice and tight. Keep it as straight as possible. And then I'm going to hand tighten it into place. And now it is not going to come out and I can drill my holes.

So the drill always has a forward or reverse setting and then obviously neutral. That's where you want to be to remove your drill bit. We also have a couple settings on top, retention or speed. We have your drill which is what most people will be utilizing. And then it goes down, which as you're drilling anything if you have it on a lower setting and you try and do it, won't let you over tighten or over tension on it. If you go all the way to the drill, it'll just keep on spinning. You always want to make sure you have enough tension or for whatever you're doing, most of our drilling will be through rivets or walls. So we want to make sure ours is nice and tight and usually set on drill.

On the door I want to repair my hasp, so I see that there are three holes from a preexisting hasp. That should be one, a nice twist, go to the top a nice twist. And finally, the last one which will be a little harder, nice and slow through, and then a nice twist.