Serpentine Trailer Backing Drill

In this module, we'll review the Serpentine Trailer Backing Drill


Our next drill is called the serpentine. To perform this maneuver, we’ll look to the course and notice there are three cones along the left side of the truck. These cones represent our “dock”. There’s also a fourth cone one truck length in front of them, and a fifth cone one truck length in front of the 4th cone.

To successfully perform the serpentine backing method, we’ll start by pulling the truck and trailer forward until the trailer passes the cone that is furthest away. Once there, we will begin backing the truck and trailer diagonally between the 4th and 5th cones.

Once the trailer is on the left side of the 4th cone, we’ll need to control the truck to reposition the trailer diagonally to maneuver it between the 4th cone and the 3 cones or “dock”, continuing to back the truck and trailer into its original position next to the three cones.

During this drill, you can get out and look as many times as needed; however, you’ll only be allowed one correction by pulling forward. If more corrections are needed, we’ll need to pull back to our starting position next to cone 5.